W E   L O V E   G L A S S


A lamp is not an ordinary piece of furniture, nor is it yet another decorative element. It is the only item in every house which has enormous power to influence our moods.




We love to watch how millions of sand grains fuse into one, creating a body seducing with its ceaselessly smooth texture.

We are fascinated by the moment when the red-hot glass pulp leaves the furnace, its birthplace. Then, it submissively yields to further treatment. It slowly cools down, adopting a form in which it will remain through the rest of its glass life.






How are our lamps made?

First, there is an inspiration. A vague idea, toyed with, which takes shape on a paper after a while. First sketches, corrections. More corrections. Until a satisfying result. Until the moment arrives when we consider the project completed. Perfect.

Then, we go to our glassworks. The project slowly starts being alive. Hot glass is molded, all hand-made. Every detail chiseled with care. Those are really hot moments in the life of a future lamp. Its fate is being decided.

After a while, the emotions cool down. All is clear now. Another piece of glass artifact is ready to win the world. Before this happens, though, it needs a name.

We gather together and look at our new baby. Various names are suggested. At last, we pick the only word which fully renders the character of the newly born lamp…




We fully use what nature gives us. We are fascinated by the perfection and harmony of geometrical solids, ingenious simplicity of their mathematical formulas, divine symmetry of their perfect shapes.

When creating lamps, we reach for classical patterns, industrial spaces, as well as Scandinavian or African styles (there is more thorough description coming with each lamp).

We relate to the ancient art of glass-melting. We try to combine the centuries-old tradition with trends set in the 21st century.

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